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Monday, November 1, 2010


I am watching Survivor.
Very interesting strategy. It mentions a variety of subjects including just a coulple minutes ago, Freudian psychology.  VERY interesting, thought the only flaw in Freudian method is that it is focused on odd cases, never typical cases.  Which doesn't always apply to the contenders of Survivor, because they are all VERY typical, ordinary people.  Obviously, it is an intelligant comment, esp. coming from a show host, (Jeff) but still.
Official survivor site:

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Funny Movies!

Lots of people love funny youtube movies, but why?  Well obviously, they're funny.  Duh.  So here are some of my favorites. (links to them plus pics)
Great Harry Potter spoofs.  Makes fun of HP!
Funny but very random animated movie!  I caommand you to click the link I PROMISE YOU WILL LOVE IT!
Funny movie based on American Idol but cleverly cut and pasted to look like the harry Potter characters are singing.  CLICK OR ELSE!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Internet Phenomonons (beware, if you hate internet-disbelievers, don't read this)

Today I want to talk about internet phenomonons.  Phenom number one: Facebook and other social networking sites.

On these sites you can update on your life, chat in an I.M. sort of chatbar, and basically put your entire life online.  The major pro is that you can keep long-tterm relationships better.  But, it takes all the fun out of seeing someone for the first time.  Before Facebook, people would see eachother and exclaim about how they've changed.  They catch up with each other.  A major con is the pictures people put on Facebook.  Pictures of themselves drunk, maybe, or inside their house.  what they don't think of is that people can see your face, match it with your name, and find you.  Do you want that?!  Now, people don't have any catching up to do.  It's sad, huh?  Then quit Facebook.  I know what you think.  I'm completely biased and know nothing, but you're wrong.  I do know.  I do.

Phenom number two: Virtual Reality sites.
On these, you basically create a glorified you.  You have major pimples?  Your avatar doesn't.  And the thing is, you can create yourself however you want.  You can have boyfriends or girlfriends, and be who you want.  But they all ask for your email, so they can blackmail you.  However, they aren't as bad as Facebook, so if I had to choose between Facebook and one of these, I would choose this.  you can't upload a photo, so it's safer.  But parents beware, the safe language guarantees aren't always truthful.

Phenom number three: YouTube.
 You tube is my favorite.  You can post your own homemade videos.  Sure its obviously the same as Facebook in that you can post images of yourself, but I've ranted about that enough.  Here are links to my two FAVE youtube channels:
These are HILARIOUS!


Today I watched that movie, How To train Your Dragon.  It was pretty good.  I just felt bad for Hiccup, the kid.  He is completely picked on.  And it's a little over-dramatic, especially the girl, Astrid.  She acts WAY too cool. ( I quote: "Is this some kind of a JOKE to you?!")  Well, I don't mean to be biased, but it is a bit of a joke to me.  The whole movie, I mean.  So, yeah.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


My dog always sits right in the middle of everything.  Sometimes it's nice, but I always wondered why.  I guess it's because they like attention?  Anyway, I always hve to step over her.  I have always wondered how they can learn from everything but NEVER stop sitting in the wrong place.  I don't really mind, but still. 

Today I was in school...

Today i was in school and everyone was really grouchy.  I always try to be nice, but some people don't.  So here's something to think about.  What would you do if you got super fed up about that... I can't even answer that one very well. (Okay, no one REALLY can.)  Leave me a comment if you want to answer or just think and then leave because this is too boring.